The benefits of learning development extend beyond compliance upkeep.
When it comes to virtual training, the possibilities are endless. Whether it is eLearning, virtual instructor-led training, or video-based learning, virtual training can be just as creative and impactful as in-person training. As the pandemic made clear, the potential for positive change and growth through virtual training is significant.
At Public Knowledge® (PK), we pride ourselves on our advanced learning capabilities. We believe that virtual training can be a powerful tool for development, and we want to share three critical methods for achieving success.
Start with A Good Foundation
To ensure successful virtual training, it is crucial to begin with high-quality content. A clear understanding of the topics that will be covered, the volume of your material, and the ideal training outcomes and objectives provide a starting point for choosing the most effective techniques and strategies to use during the development process.
The material you need to teach will inform the best method of training. If you are training your audience on new software, ensure they can access the software to practice working with it while you cover functions. Or, if you intend to change attitudes, consider using stories or testimonials that demonstrate the importance of the new way of thinking. Even think if you have high-level compliance topics, keep them short and automate your audiences’ attestations. Obtaining strong foundational materials sets the groundwork for practical training.

Prioritize Diverse Stakeholder Engagement
Our individual life experiences influence our viewpoints and beliefs, making it essential to involve diverse stakeholders. This ensures that all voices are heard and considered, leading to a deeper understanding of the needs of your learning audience, which in turn impacts the virtual training decisions you make, both in terms of content to be covered and method of delivery.
Create an Effective Implementation Strategy
When creating training, it’s important to remember that the implementation is just as crucial as the creation itself. The user experience should always be considered, and potential barriers should be addressed beforehand. It’s also essential to ensure that the training is accessible to all levels of users, regardless of their technical proficiency. By paying attention to these details, it can be a success and effectively meet the needs of its users.
Our Work with The Washington Administrative Office of the Courts
The Washington Administrative Office of the Courts required guidance for families statewide on attending remote court hearings. To address this need, PK created two videos. One video gives an overview of preparing adequately before joining the virtual hearing, while the other provides technical guidance on using virtual hearing technology.