We support human service agencies nationwide. Our nationally known experts partner with state and local program staff to construct the best solutions for each organization using our proven methodologies, best practices, and efficiencies born of deep experience and broad public service practice.
“When CMS required the Mississippi Division of Medicaid to deliver a MARS-E assessment on a tight time frame, Public Knowledge® delivered a professional, quality assessment on time and on budget that exceeded our expectations.”
Rita Rutland, Deputy Administrator for the Miss DOM Office of Information Technology Management, Mississippi Department of Medicaid
of Firm Experience
have collaborated with Public Knowledge®
We understand how to leverage information from various agencies to improve outcomes and incorporated this practice into our project management methodology.
Iowa selected Public Knowledge® to provide Quality Assurance services and Management experts to improve DHS's ability to meet Federal ACA and state program eligibility requirements. Public Knowledge® delivered a customized Agile project oversight protocol.
Public Knowledge®’s Test Management services were instrumental in assisting the North Carolina Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS)successfully implement a new Medicaid Management Information System (MMIS).
We were praised by one of our clients for our work helping the agency rethink both its staffing levels and business processes.
Health & Medicaid Industry Director
P: (984) 960-3257
E: cwatkins@pubknow.com
Senior Vice President, Business Development
P: (720) 837-6890
E: kgram@pubknow.com
Senior Vice President of Delivery
P: (240) 638-6729
E: whornsby@pubknow.com
Positive Outcomes Delivered.
We are ready to solve your tough problems.