Public Knowledge® is an excellent example of how hosting a pre-procurement vendor conference primed the client for superior results.
The Wyoming Department of Family Services (DFS) took an assertive and open communication approach to their Comprehensive Child Welfare Information System (CCWIS) procurement efforts from the beginning of the process, which helped set them up for success. Their goals were to be thorough, transparent, and prepared so that they could approach the legislative body and ask for system funding with confidence and credibility.
Meeting DFS Goals
Public Knowledge® (PK) brought our expertise and tools and immediately assisted with their procurement efforts. Our project team took time to understand where we could fill gaps and deliver excellent service while staying within the scope of work. We worked through many procurement planning efforts, such as a Needs Assessment, Cost-Benefit Analysis, and Alternatives Analysis. Then we assisted in developing a Request for Information (RFI), monitored and analyzed the responses of the RFI, and used these results to create a final Request for Proposal (RFP). PK took every reasonable opportunity and suggestion to execute enhanced communication and explanation opportunities throughout these standard planning and procurement efforts.

Enhancing the Scope
The brightest example of the above scenario and beyond planning was DFS’ decision to host a virtual Pre-Procurement Vendor Conference. This conference was an opportunity for DFS to share information and expectations relating to the RFP and understand any vendor thoughts, questions, or concerns before the RFP’s release. This extra step received exceeding gratitude from the vendors for being incredibly beneficial and something not previously done in other states around CCWIS procurements.
Better Planning, Better Results
This pre-procurement conference resulted in limited vendor questions during the RFP release time and helped DFS and PK develop a consistent understanding and messaging of the RFP. Questions that did arise during the release of the RFP were addressed quickly by numerous team members. The conference and CCWIS planning and procurement efforts are excellent examples of how being prepared directly leads to being primed for better outcomes.
PK is Ready to Help Your Organization Succeed, Too
Taking time to listen to clients about their goals and ideas, being flexible, and spending time to enhance planning efforts falls directly into PK’s values. Procurement efforts can often feel tedious or overwhelming for states, but PK can support innovative ideas and facilitate additional planning efforts to ensure better processes, client relationships, and procurement outcomes.