Engaging learners with interactive elements is the best way to create a long-lasting impression.
Training in your organization is supposed to be more than fulfilling a requirement. By including certain elements within online learning, you can greatly improve learner retention. We are passionate about elevating educational experiences into a memorable experience.

A Safe Environment to Make Mistakes
- After introducing a topic, an effective way to increase learner retention is to provide realistic scenarios, such as asking questions on how to best handle certain situations. A correct answer affirms the learner is on the right track. However, if a wrong answer is selected, it will reiterate the correct answer and explain why the answer is incorrect.
Formative Feedback on Decisions
- Increase learning retention means giving learners formative feedback throughout online learning. Real-time feedback provides the learner with supporting information, creating a more engaging experience.
Providing Learners with a Solid Foundation
- Based on the feedback given during the training, learners develop a solid foundation that will serve them well when working independently. By having encountered similar situations in a safe learning environment, they are now equipped to deal with real-time, possibly sensitive, situations.
We Create Meaningful Learning Experiences
By partnering with our firm, we will be able to assist you with the creation of the training and in some cases provide the subject matter experts to assist with the content ideation. By having access to the subject matter experts to help with the content of your training, we can thoroughly deploy the right retention tools and techniques for your learning audience.