We understand the challenges you face from changing requirements and regulations, increased demand for services, limited staff, funding uncertainties, and evolving technical environments. We understand that your workload is large and complex. Let us support you and safeguard your procurement success.
We can support your procurements through our decades of expertise and clients have access to our services through the NASPO ValuePoint PASS, as well as established Master Contracts.
Our alternatives analysis process begins with defensible information about the costs, timelines, and resources you need to achieve your objectives. The result is a clear recommendation that (1) is based on a quantifiable score, (2) aligns with your budget and objectives, and (3) considers multiple qualitative factors.
The development of a procurement strategy is critical to achieve the outcomes you want and save time and budget. We help determine your procurement goals and develop a roadmap to achieve those goals through the design and facilitation of a vision and roadmap planning session.
More than half of system errors precede system design. Specifically, defects often result from omitted, faulty, or misunderstood requirements. We combine extensive requirements research, facilitation experience, and documentation expertise to develop clear and accurate requirements. This approach results in fewer downstream product defects.
We develop a business case and other documentation for state and federal funding approval. We have extensive experience meeting state budget approval requirements, particularly for health, human services, and transportation programs. Requests for Proposal or Requests for Quotes. We write requests for proposals (RFPs) and requests for quotes to help you acquire vendors for systems, services, or projects. We help you define and communicate your needs in a way that attracts attention and generates competition among the most qualified bidders.
We write solicitations, for example requests for proposals (RFPs), requests for quotes (RFQs), and invitations to negotiate (ITN) to help you acquire vendors for outsourced systems, services, or projects. We help you define and communicate your needs in a way that attracts attention and generates competition among the most qualified bidders.
Once you have received responses to an RFP, we help you manage risks, score costs appropriately, and avoid gaming and protests to make an informed decision. Our proven evaluation the approach includes custom scoring sheets for proposals and oral presentations to help you choose the best vendor for your budget and project.
We develop interactive contract monitoring tools to manage vendors and track contract requirements, service level agreements (SLAs), requirements, project progress, and any other tracking needs identified by you. We also assist with transitioning from an incumbent contractor to a new contractor if needed. To develop our contract monitoring tool, we move the requirements into our interactive platform, make updates as needed, and work with you to create a dashboard that is logical and user-friendly. Examples of data points are budget tracking, compliance tracking, and project performance tracking.
In recent years, states have noticed a decrease in the number of vendor responses to Requests for Proposals (RFPs). This means states have fewer vendors to choose from, and often the choices have higher costs.
Competent leadership is required at every stage of an effective procurement process; purchase decisions directly affect the organization.
One of our clients recently asked us to give them some lessons learned and recommendations on how to make their procurements less painful.
President and CEO
P: (307) 223-1461
E: smoss@pubknow.com
Senior Vice President, Business Development
P: (720) 837-6890
E: kgram@pubknow.com
Programs Procurement and Innovation Practice Director
P: (307) 314-3405
E: aanderson@pubknow.com
Positive Outcomes Delivered.
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