SLI Global Solutions, LLC (SLI) is proud to be awarded a contract for Independent Verification and Validation (IV&V) services for the South Carolina Replacement Medicaid Management Information System (RMMIS) and the Eligibility Enrollment and Member Management System (EEMMS) projects.
SLI Global Solutions (SLI) was honored to be invited to the nation’s first-ever White House Foster Care & Technology Hackathon, May 26 – 27.
The GLI Group is pleased to announce the acquisition of Bulletproof Solutions Inc. Bulletproof is Atlantic Canada’s Trusted IT Services Company with a strong and growing portfolio of successful contract and project services.
Colorado’s Department of Transportation (CDOT) has awarded Denver-based SLI Global Solutions a contract to conduct periodic Independent Verification and Validation (IV&V) services of the implementation of their Connected Vehicle technology, a core component of CDOT’s RoadX initiative.
SAIF Corporation is a not-for-profit, state-chartered workers’ compensation company processing over 40,000 claims a year. SAIF was created by the Oregon state legislature in 1914 as a state agency, and in 1980, became the nation’s first public corporation specializing in workers’ compensation insurance.
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