This fall’s SPARK Summit centered around “Express Yourself” a theme focused on all forms of communication.
At a national management consulting firm, we are faced with a variety of communication requirements to achieve our goals when serving our clients. Our goal is to be the catalyst for positive outcomes and the foundation to achieve this is being able to express yourself and empower others to do the same.

What is SPARK?
Public Knowledge® (PK) held its annual SPARK Summit. This conference is a special occasion for us to connect as a firm and further develop our skills as professionals. We value this time to learn from each other, discover new things, and deepen our bond as a company.
S – Supporting the
P – Pursuit of
A – Authentic
R – Relationships and
K – Knowledge
Presentations from a Variety of Professionals
At PK, we truly believe all of our employees bring a new, exciting perspective in their line of work. It was a pleasure to hear more about our firm’s wide-reaching expertise. Additionally, Guest Speakers were hired to supply new tools to our firm, this way we can always be ahead of the curve and provide the highest value to our clients.
Topics included:
- Presentation Skills Workshop, led by Halina St. James
- Introduction to Facilitation
- Introduction to Client Team Effectiveness
- Writing the PK Way
- Communicating Without Words
Project Science Fair
And no, we’re not talking about a potato clock or a paper mache volcano! Project Science Fair allowed consultants to share projects they’re currently working on in a more condensed presentation format.
- Child Support eLearning Demo
- Hawaii NASPO Project
- NC Child Welfare Project
- CO SIPA Procurement Project
- NV Kids
- PK Learning Team
PKers Earned Continuing Education Credits
Our company provides valuable professional development opportunities for our consultants, such as this SPARK Summit. Additional time is allotted to each employee to grow and thrive, increasing our effectiveness as a company.